Pasti principali per neonati
Appartiene a:
- Piatti per neonati
- en:Baby food jar with banana
- en:Baby food jar with vegetables and starch from 4-6 months
- en:Baby food jar with vegetables from 4-6 months
- Vasetti di cibo per bambini senza banana
- Pasti per neonati a base di pesce
- en:Instant cereal powder to be reconstituted for baby from 4/6 months
- Cereali in polvere istantanei da reidratare per bambini a partire dai 6 mesi
- Pasti per neonati a base di carne
- Zuppa per bambini con verdure
- en:Soup for baby with vegetables and potatoes
- Zuppe e minestre per neonati
- Piatto di verdure per bambini dai 12 mesi con amido e pesce
- en:Vegetable dish for babies from 12 months with starch and meat
- en:Vegetable dish for babies from 18 months with starch and fish
- en:Vegetable dish for babies from 18 months with starch and meat
- Piatto di verdure per bambini dai 6 mesi con amido e pesce
- en:Vegetable dish for babies from 6 months with starch and meat
- Piatto di verdure per bambini dai 8 mesi con amido e pesce
- en:Vegetable dish for babies from 8 months with starch and meat
- en:Vegetable dish for baby from 6 months with starch
- en:Vegetable dish for baby with milk and starch from 12 months
- en:Vegetable dish for baby with milk and starch from 18 months
- en:Vegetable dish for baby with milk and starch from 6 months
- en:Vegetable dish for baby with milk and starch from 8 months
- Pasti per neonati a base di verdure
- fr:Petits pots pour bébé
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8 prodotti